Anime Hack'N'Slash Review Side-Scroller

Dead or School – Review | Anime Femme Fatale

Introduction I’d describe Dead or School as a RPG hack-and-slash with a sprinkling of brawler. Not exactly your conventional one either. Fan-Service reigns supreme. I’ll be up front, I saw a screen shot and thought it was from a hentai. It’s also what sold me. I never felt that it went overboard or was needlessly […]

Anime JRPG Review Strategy

Langrisser 1 & 2 – Review | A Hero’s Introspection

Introduction Langrisser was first introduced back in ‘91. That’s almost 29 years ago. Man, my back hurt writing that. Creaky bones aside, this franchise always eluded me. Sure, I heard of it growing up, but I was never interested enough to check it out. The story remained the same with each subsequent entry. Eventually, it […]