
Hello and thank you for using @VTuberTweeter. For those unaware, this is a tool to help automatically Retweet VTuber-related tweets. It’s mostly intended to be used as a community tool for indie VTubers to collaborate and get to know each other and for people interested in VTuber content generally to get a lot of it on their timeline.

How to Use VTuberTweeter

If you include related hashtags in your Tweet on Twitter, then there’s a chance that VTuberTweeter will retweet the tweet. This includes but is not limited to #VTuber, #VTuberEN, #ENVTuber and similar. The tweets that get retweeted are chosen based on a set of criteria, but there are often many tweets which match. This means that your tweet will not always get retweeted. Twitter limits the amount of tweets that we can retweet.

You may wish to note in particular that Quote Retweets with the hashtags will not be retweeted. Most tweets with more than 5 hashtags may be not be retweeted either as this is commonly done by spammers and most VTubers use 4 or less. Primarily English language tweets are selected, so those in other languages also likely will not be retweeted. Tweets with links to Twitch/Youtube are also mostly removed to avoid too many ‘I’m Live’ tweets filling up the feed and put the focus more on making connections and discovering people, rather than getting others to click links. Quite a lot of terms relating to 18+ content, illegal activities or common spam such as NFT and Cryptocurrency are also filtered out.

More details on how the bot filters can be found here.

Negative Retweets

@VTuberTweeter is one of the more advanced retweeting bots and filters out most negative content before it’s retweeted. That said, it’s not perfect. If @VTuberTweeter has automatically retweeted anything discriminatory, overtly sexual/explicit or otherwise objectionable, please send a Direct Message with a link to the tweet(s) and reason for removal. We may undo the retweet and/or block the account from further retweets. The reasoning must be clearly evidenced. Please note that a Retweet by VTuberTweeter is not an endorsement of the content, as it is automatically chosen based on included hashtags and other factors.

ShadowBan Note: If Twitter has applied a Search Ban to your account, the bot will not be able to retweet your tweets. This is usually temporary, but is controlled by Twitter – not us.

Support VTuberTweeter! Become a Patreon!

If you wish to support the development and running costs of @VTuberTweeteryou can become a Patreon here. Patreons can use the #VTuberTwP hashtag for a near guaranteed retweet if supporting at the Bonus Retweets level or above. This includes benefits such as being able to post Twitch/Youtube links and retweeting quote retweets.

Support will go towards adding new features, running costs, replacement of the bot if updates break it and more which can be read about on the page. Some potential expansions are limited due to costs. Ideally commissioning a professional to redesign some aspects would also be good if enough funds were gained. This could allow a higher quality feed and more customization. A service we use to run the bot is also limits some of our functions due to the plan we’re on and moving up would cost.

Thanks to our first Patreons, we had the basic functions of the bot redesigned to reduce almost all spam tweets and retweet more on topic ones than before. There are still further improvements that can be made here in the future, but it’s much better than the original version.

Thank You to Our Wonderful Patreons

£45 – Tier 5 (Bonus Retweets + This Is Too Much)


£10 – Tier 3 (Special Thanks)


The above are special shoutouts for Tier 3 and above, but thank you to everyone else too!

How Else Can I Support You?

If you do want to support us, you can check out our reviews on this website, share any you find interesting and follow us on @NookSite. The more views and followers we get, the more fun things we can do. If you really want to support us further, we have a Ko-Fi for general donations here as well as our Patreon for VTuberTweeter. The Ko-Fi helps to support our hosting costs, buying in art we need and more. If you buy games on Humble Bundle, you can also do so via our affiliate link which will not cost you anything extra, but will give us a little revenue.

You Might Be Interested In…

We have a number of other articles aimed at content creators, that you might be interested in! If you want to support the resources we use to develop and run our bot @VTuberTweeter, as well as these articles mostly aimed towards helping VTubers, you might be interested in supporting us on Patreon too!

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How And Why To Gain Followers On Twitter: Some Thoughts

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