Adult Game Review Visual Novel


SACRIFICE VILLAINS is an adult superhero-parody visual novel originally released by CLOCKUP back in February 2023. The story is set in a dystopian world where crime runs rampant throughout Tokyo, now called SCUM CITY, due to the uncontrolled rise of villainy in recent years. With justice continuously threatened, its allies must find a way to restabilize society no matter the cost. The game takes a lot of inspiration from mainstream superhero media but opts to focus on supervillains as members of its main cast. Announced for localization at the tailend of 2024, Shiravune released the title in English on multiple platforms in January 2025.

SACRIFICE VILLAINS is a nukige, which is a term used to describe visual novels that typically prioritize erotic content over other narrative elements. Thus, interested readers should be prepared to go through an overwhelming amount of adult scenes if they decide to pick it up. Personally, I’m not too big on nukige titles, but with its superhero parody angle, I felt like it would at least be a little bit fun seeing how they would parody beloved characters like Captain America and Spiderman and turn them into members of a sex-crazed cast. If you’re not interested in anything relatively close to that, then turn around; this visual novel is not for you.

Can a society long devoid of justice continue flourishing in degeneracy? Let’s take a peek at what they’re willing to sacrifice for their desires in this review!

(Disclaimer: Some screenshots will be somewhat “not safe for work” due to the nature of this visual novel but none are outright 18+. You can find screenshots of that nature on the store page)

Justopia - the city of Justice in Sacrifice Villains

Utopia or Prison?

In recent times, the world has become witness to the rise of individuals with abilities that defy conventional knowledge. Known as superhumans, they were once a select number of individuals, but through mingling with various kinds of people and the continuous advancement of science, almost everyone in the world now possesses some form of innate ability. However, with the rise of incredibly powerful individuals adamant on satisfying their selfishness, villainy began to seep into the mainstream, introducing a whole new world order. Answering the call of the people were heroes, those dedicated to protecting the weak and punishing those who abuse their superpowers. With the two sides stuck in a long and arduous struggle for control, normal citizens find themselves cowering in fear of the possibility of being entangled in the absurd conflict.

In present-day Tokyo, now called SCUM CITY, there are three major factions preserving the balance between heroes and villains: Scum Tower and Sky Tower, both controlled by two powerful supervillains, and Justopian Ward, base of the heroes and governed by the ultimate superhero Justopia. But with the number of villains continuously on the rise, it’s only a matter of time until their peaceful city completely gets overrun by degeneracy. Enter JJ, the director of Justopian Ward’s ASYLUM, an establishment dedicated to the reformation of villains into upstanding heroes and citizens. With state of the art technology at his disposal, he makes use of his incredible intellect and innate talents to create the most efficient way to rehabilitate villains. For the sake of justice, it’s time to capture lost sheep and administer correction onto them!

Mugshot lineup and heroine select of the three main villainesses/rehabilitation targets in Sacrifice Villains

You Need to Be Corrected!

SACRIFICE VILLAINS revolves around the rehabilitation activities of three villains detained in the Asylum. Under the direction of JJ, female villains Night Charger, Bad Lotion, and Madam Venom are selected and captured as the potential flagship heroes of Justopia Ward’s Project. To progress their reformation, they are subjected through significant physical, sexual, and psychological torture to make it easier for JJ to transform them into heroes. Mindbreak, or the complete mental submission of a person, is introduced as a precursor to transforming a villain into an upstanding hero. To further this point, numerous other villains are made examples of the process throughout the visual novel to help readers imagine what kind of situations these heroines have waiting for them.

With multiple choices present within the game, SACRIFICE VILLAINS features a number of endings that readers can encounter by making the correct decisions in the correct order. Until right before the ending, most of these decisions involve choosing which of the three girls you administer rehabilitation to first. Depending on what you do, there will be extra rehabilitation scenes for specific heroines that help you determine which ending you’re currently on route to getting. In total, there are four main story endings and six heroine endings. Depending on how many flags you trigger for each heroine, you can either achieve a good or bad end by the end of their route. There are also some optional scenes starring other characters to unlock. For more details on what choices to make, please refer to our walkthrough here.

Justopia talking to the three supervillains in Sacrifice Villains

A Sexy World Order

SACRIFICE VILLAINS’s setting is incredibly simplistic. There’s not much to digest when it comes to its worldbuilding, which I feel contributes to the general nonchalance I had reading through its content. Sure, crime is rampant and there’s a lot of people being subjected through different kinds of horrors, but with the scenes featuring mostly heinous crimes that are sexual in nature, there’s not much you can use to empathize with its characters. It also doesn’t help that despite being on the side of justice, heroes do the same disgusting stuff villains do to their enemies. Thus, the adult scenes felt mostly gratuitous, contributing nothing to both character development and the overall narrative.

Speaking of the story, if there’s one thing about it that I thought was interesting enough to warrant a read, it was the ironic portrayal of hero society as the champions of justice. Despite technically being on the “good” side, most of the actions JJ takes are rather villainous—he willingly threatens the heroines with their weaknesses, takes advantage of their trauma, and subjects them to humiliating experiences with the goal of destroying their psyches. In a way, we see JJ do more heinous stuff than actual villains, which to me, was a pretty flavorful way of presenting how flawed the status quo was in their dystopian society.

TV News segment

Many Children Policy

With SACRIFICE VILLAINS being a nukige, there’s naturally an abundance of adult scenes that different kinds of people can enjoy. As its story is set in a world where superpowers of different kinds are readily available, the heroines are frequently subjected to different sexual encounters that range from being steamy and hot to scenes that repeatedly test the tenacity of the human body. I’m talking about girthy, long instruments entering zones that they normally should not be forced into. There’s also an abundance of tentacles, machines, and monsters in the scenes; this makes sense given the convenient placement of an alternate dimension that serves nothing else but to expand the repertoire of available sexual niches. There’s a lot of extreme stuff that I feel would be too much for the general population, so tread with caution.

On the other hand, there’s enough variation in these situations that it doesn’t feel too repetitive even when read back to back. A lot of these scenes also build on previous ones, which give a satisfying feeling of continuity despite its weak narrative. Being a parody title, a lot of characters that engage in adult scenes also feel like knock-offs of more famous characters, such as Dick-Man being able to spin threads of his bodily fluids, Purpleskin looking like a choking Hulk, and Captain Utopia being, well, one of the Captain heroes. They have pretty funny dialogue amidst rough shagging that make the read a lot more entertaining than it should be, which helps turn off the brain.

Night Charger fighting a Captain America Parody in Justopia - the city of Justice in Sacrifice Villains


Although I am aware of SACRIFICE VILLAINS’ heavy focus on sex, I still can’t help but feel disappointed about how it handled its setting. For one, a lot of scenes by the end of the visual novel only really feel impactful if the reader becomes heavily invested in either the characters involved or the overall setting. But throughout my time reading it, story elements such as the Demon World, the three-way conflict between SCUM CITY factions, and hero activities only really get mentioned for the sake of convenience in setting up the current adult scene. The satisfaction that should be there when you reach the ending didn’t really work for me; it just made me feel relieved that the dragged out scenario of needing to rehabilitate the heroines will finally be over.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that there wasn’t enough creativity in the way it handled its adult scenes. If anything, they did so many scenarios that every adult scene felt mostly different than the last one, which is good for a nukige. But with the overarching scenario being the rehabilitation of the three villains up until the end, it made the journey to the story’s culmination feel too one-noted. It wasn’t particularly stimulating to read, except of course, for the gonads.

Justopia punching the ground in Sacrifice Villains

Art and Music

SACRIFICE VILLAINS features a total of 93 unique CGs with a total of 1962 variations. As you’d expect from a nukige, most of them are HCGs featuring various sultry situations. In total, there are only around 7 CGs that are relatively safe for work, and even many of those have suggestive elements such as nipples having clear outlines and incredibly revealing clothes for female characters. As for the H-scenes, the game features 74 unique scenarios that’s sure to satisfy a broad range of fetishes.

The main character designer, Butcha-U, has an artstyle that fits SACRIFICE VILLAINS very well. In every adult scene, the heroines are drawn with well-accentuated feminine features coupled with expressions that, while minor in differences, tell a clear story of escalating passion. The way their skin is colored helps set the mood for their sexual escapades as well, with its lighting and shadows creating very attractive curves while making sure it feels like it glistens with sweat all the while. In a way, if there’s any reason to read the visual novel, it’s definitely how well Butcha-U’s art can stir up flames in the readers.

Sound of Sacrifice Villains

As for the sound design, the audio fits the overall atmosphere very well. In terms of sound effects though, I would have liked a few more assets to help bring to life the scarce number of fight scenes. It felt a little bit hollow reading fights that didn’t exactly have sounds that resonated with the intensity of the scene or the incredible feats the characters were doing. Meanwhile, the music in the game was pretty good! I liked the slow, playful, yet anticipating mood the music had during adult scenes, and the creeping uneasiness during climactic fights against villains was well delivered through its tracks as well.

One thing I found off-putting about the assets though is how it sometimes felt like sprites were being underutilized. I get that some characters straight up just don’t have sprites, but for the three main heroines, it doesn’t make sense for me that in some scenes centered around them, they don’t even appear on the screen prior to a CG. The appropriate sprites are already there in the game, but it felt like they were just not being used.

Cyber-looking logo screen in Sacrifice Villains


SACRIFICE VILLAINS is a superhero nukige centering around the ironic chase for justice using degenerate means. Featuring large amounts of violence and sexual assault, it’s a visual novel that’s definitely not for those who are just looking for a quick and good time. The game caters more to readers who might have unique tastes related to the hobby, promising a large selection of scenes that’s sure to tickle at least one person’s fancy. For people looking for a serious story, this is definitely not the place to look for it.

Although it excels quite well in the art department, perhaps due to ramping up the concentration of adult content in SACRIFICE VILLAINS, the more interesting premise of a villainous world order was put aside to focus on creating a satisfying experience rehabilitating rebellious heroines. Most of its story elements are taken for granted and are introduced as convenient plot devices to justify the use of particular instruments in adult scenes. In a way, to best enjoy the visual novel, it necessitates taking its content at face value and just enjoying what you can see and hear. If you’re feeling freaky and craving something new, then SACRIFICE VILLAINS might just have the thing for you.

P.S. I wanted to see more of the Cream-Pie and Whore-House tandem…


Platforms: PC
Walkthrough/Guide: Click Here
Purchase: JAST USA

If you are looking for another visual novel, you may enjoy The Restless Sheep & The Lone Wolf -A Tale of Cutthroat Lovers-. We have also covered a wide variety of visual novels both original to English and localized from Japanese, which you can check out here.

Many thanks go to Shiravune for a PC review code for SACRIFICE VILLAINS.

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