Guides and Tips Visual Novel

White Album: Memories Like Falling Snow – Walkthrough & Guide

White Album: Memories Like Falling Snow (White Album -Tsuzurareru Fuyu no Omoide-) does not follow the traditional branching narrative of many visual novels, but instead works on an event and point system, that leads to seven potential heroine endings and a normal ending.

This guide will give an overview of the system and ‘routes’ to unlock each ending.

If you’ve not yet purchased this game, you may wish to first check out our review.

WHITE ALBUM: Memories like Falling Snow - H Scene

18+ Content

The Steam version of White Album: Memories Like Falling Snow does not include 18+ content. While the original 1998 White Album did, this was not included in the 2010 remake or the 2023 PC version.

Steam Achievements

There are multiple achievements included in the Steam version of White Album: Memories Like Falling Snow. These are relatively self-explanatory, but collecting them all will require multiple replays.

General Systems Explanation

After the prologue, White Album: Memories Like Falling Snow works on a calendar system. You can choose to visit one location per day in most cases, though sometimes your choice is automatic.

Each location is clearly marked with who you can meet there, other than a few exceptions where it does not show the character. If an exclamation mark is next to the character, then an important event is taking place. If a speech bubble, then you can have a conversation with them. Some events and all conversations will give you at least one point with a character.

Events are required to progress toward a character’s ending. In most cases, they are mandatory to continue down their storyline, but some are optional. Events may not appear if you do not have enough points for that character.

Conversations are optional, but each gives at least one point. Sometimes options are presented during those conversations where an additional point can be gained depending on your choice and sometimes events can be triggered such as dates. If you don’t have enough conversations outside of events, it’s possible to not be able to proceed later or to miss optional events.

Bonus points from an option chosen are indicated by a sound effect and snow graphics on the user interface. If you don’t want to use the guide and need to figure out the correct (if any) answer, this can be used.

Sometimes automatic events occur such as phone calls or visits from characters. In some cases, the points also have to be the highest for that heroine or another heroine’s event will trigger instead, if any.

Aside from on Sayoko’s ‘route’, it is not possible to see all of a heroine’s events in one playthrough. Some directly clash such as stay Home for version A of the event or don’t stay home for version B. Some events only occur when you are below a certain level of points which clash with the requirement of other events to be above it.

Route Order

I would suggest Yuki’s route first, as otherwise her route may come off as just a repeat of the others since many of her events appear in other routes. Other than that, any route order should be fine.

Ending Guide – Forewarning

The following ending guides will earn you the ending for the heroine and most of their related achievements; that is the achievements for a date, a sick visit, Valentine’s Day, and their ending. Not all heroines have all of these achievements. The Music Collector achievement should also be triggered by completing all endings. Due to the clashing requirements, 100% completion will require some ‘clean up’ after, which this guide does not cover. It does however take you through several of the events that are possible to miss.

I recommend only using these guides after some regular playthroughs or as a general outline. White Album: Memories Like Falling Snow is better experienced by meeting various characters. 

While you can strictly follow this guide, skip all other days by selecting Home (unless otherwise indicated), and reach the ending, I would suggest taking part in conversations on days not mentioned, at least on earlier runs. This will provide a more interesting experience, both as it will level up your conversation skills to give you more options and you may unlock other conversations. For example, in one case Rina mentions enjoying hang gliding in a conversation. This then becomes something you can mention to Mana, who is a fan of Rina. More importantly, sometimes bits of information are dropped that flesh out the story or provide foreshadowing.

With that said, due to the nature of how the system works, doing other conversations and events may throw off the dates mentioned. Characters won’t always be in the same place or time mentioned unless strictly following it, particularly for conversations. If an event isn’t available on that date, try clearing any other events in the same place out of the way or checking back on the following days. The date of any events triggered by choosing a conversation option will change based on when you select that option, your conversation skill and other factors, so many vary. Regular events on the other hand will only trigger within a specific window, which will typically be first available on the date indicated in the guide.

Some ending guides include events or conversations with other characters. This can be to unlock conversation skills or because some characters’ events require viewing another’s first.

If a location is listed next to a date, then choose that location. If not, then the event required should trigger automatically regardless of location. Sometimes events happen at the end of a day, particularly phone calls.

In all cases, the story ends on 2/27.

WHITE ALBUM: Memories like Falling Snow - Yuki


Note: Requirements for Yuki’s Valentine achievement are particularly strict as the required points are higher than most. Be sure not to miss any events or conversations, including the ‘hidden’ ones found in this guide.

Skip Prologue (Optional)

11/6 – Nimi Station

Conversation Option: Romance

11/7 – Mana’s House (Event)

Fine. We’re done

See you next time

11/8 – Park

Conversation Option: Romance

11/11 – College

Conversation Option: Hobbies

Let’s go (+ Heroine Point)

Can you go for me? (if this appears in a dialogue with Haruka in the evening)

11/12 (Event)

Turn her down

Should Trigger Achievement: A Date with Yuki

11/13 – Park

Conversation Option: Hobbies

It’s a date (+ Heroine Point)

11/14 – Park

Conversation Option: Small talk

Can you go for me?

11/16 – Park

Conversation Option: Literature


11/20 – College

Conversation Option: Literature

Let’s do it (+ Heroine Point)

11/21 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/29 (Event)

Not really… (+ Heroine Point)

11/30 (Event)

The theater club play

12/1 – TV Station (Rina Conversation)

Conversation Option: Literature

Say yes (+ Heroine Point)

12/3 (Event)

Of course I’m down for it (+ Heroine Point)

12/6 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Entertainment

12/7 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Entertainment

12/15 – College

Should Trigger Achievement: Yuki’s Ministrations

Conversation Option: Small talk

12/16 – College

Conversation Option: Small talk

12/23 – Home (Event)

12/24 (Event)

That’s just how it goes sometimes (+ Heroine Point)

12/25 (Event)

Accept her apology

1/2 – TV Station (Event)

1/5 – Echoes (Event)

1/19 – Echoes (Event)

Stop them (+ Heroine Point)

2/2 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Literature

2/4 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Literature

2/10 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Hobbies

2/12 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Small talk

2/14 – Echoes (Event)

Should Trigger Achievement: True Valentine (Note: This can be easy to miss if you don’t get some bonus Yuki points)

2/22 – TV Station (Event)

Get her attention

2/24 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Small talk

2/25 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Small talk

2/27 (Event)

I’m coming over.

WHITE ALBUM: Memories like Falling Snow - Rina


Skip Prologue (Optional)

11/6 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Literature

11/7 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Entertainment

I do worry about her (+ Heroine Point)

11/11 – TV Station (Event)

11/13 – TV Station (if you haven’t unlocked Sayoko yet)

Conversation Option: Hobbies

11/14 – TV Station (if you haven’t unlocked Sayoko yet)

Conversation Option: Literature

11/15 -Echoes (if Rina is there)

Conversation Option: Hobbies

11/16 -Echoes (if Rina is there)

Conversation Option: Literature

11/19 – Downtown (Event) 

11/20 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Hobbies

11/21 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/22 – TV Station (Event)


11/23 (Event)

Of course I’ll go (+ Heroine Point)

11/27 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Romance

11/28 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Literature

11/29 (Event)


12/4 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Small talk

12/5 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Romance

12/13 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Small talk

12/14 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Romance

12/18 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Romance

12/19 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Romance

I’ll come (+ Heroine Point)

12/24 (Event)

That sucks

12/25 (Event)

Play dumb

1/2 – TV Station (Event)

1/4 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Small talk


Should Trigger Achievement: Rina’s Ministrations

1/19 – Echoes (Event)

You’re overthinking this (+ Heroine Point)

1/26 (Event)

Stop her

2/14 (Event)

Should Trigger Achievement: Rina’s Valentine

2/17 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Romance

2/20 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Hobbies

I’m free (+ Heroine Point)

2/21 (Event)

Go after her

WHITE ALBUM: Memories like Falling Snow - Sayoko


Note: Unlike the other ‘route guides’, this will unlock every event for Sayoko. Sayoko’s conversations also do not appear until 11/26, so do not be concerned that you only see events until then.

First, complete the Rina or Yuki ending. Sayoko will not appear otherwise

Skip Prologue (Optional)

11/6 – TV Station (Event)

Chat with him

11/11 – College (Event)

11/14 – College (Event)

11/17 – College (Event)

11/22 – TV Station (Event)

11/24 – College (Event)

11/25 – College (Event)

11/26 – Nimi Station

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/27 – Nimi Station

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/28 – Nimi Station

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/29 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Romance


12/4 (Event)

Sure (+ Heroine Point)

12/5 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Hobbies

12/6 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Hobbies

12/8 – College

Conversation Option: Literature

12/9 – College (Event)

12/12 – (Phone Call Event)

Go (+ Heroine Point)

12/14 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Literature

12/15 – TV Station (Event)

12/17 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Small talk

12/18 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Small talk

12/19 – College (Event)

12/20 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Small talk

12/21 – Nimi Station

Conversation Option: Romance

12/22 – TV Station (Event)

I’m free (+ Heroine Point)


That sucks…


Get angry

1/3 (Event)

Go to Nimi Station

1/10 – TV Station (Event)

Follow her (+ Heroine Point)

1/11 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Romance

1/15 – TV Station (Event)

1/16 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Romance

1/17 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Romance

1/18 – TV Station (Event)

1/19 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Romance


Should Trigger Achievement: Sayoko’s Ministrations

1/24 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Romance

1/27 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Romance

2/3 – Nimi Station (Event)

WHITE ALBUM: Memories like Falling Snow - Mana


Note: In this route, you’ll see the same event multiple times at Mana’s House. This will gain you points each time.

Do not skip the prologue as can gain bonus point


Keep talking (+ Heroine Point)

11/7 – Mana’s House (Event)

Fine we’re done (+ Heroine Point)

See you next time

11/9 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Hobbies 

I prefer your normal clothes (+ Heroine Point)

11/11 – Park

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/13 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Hobbies

I like sports (+ Heroine Point)

11/14 – Mana’s House (Event)

Good enough. Let’s go do something else (+ Heroine Point)

11/15 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/21 – Mana’s House (Event)

Sure. Let’s go

11/22 – Park

Conversation Option: Hobbies

11/23 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Literature

11/27 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Literature

11/28 – Mana’s House (Event)

I’m going by myself

Wanna come with me? (+ Heroine Point)

11/29 (Event)

Theater club play (+ Heroine Point)

11/30 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Literature

Sure (+ Heroine Point)

12/4 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Romance


Should Trigger Mana Date Achievement

12/7 – Park

Conversation Option: Hobbies

12/11 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Literature

12/12 – Mana’s House (Event)

Wanna talk? (+ Heroine Point)

12/13 – Park

Conversation Option: Literature

12/19 – Mana’s House (Event)

Worry about you, Mana (+ Heroine Point)

I’m spending it alone (+ Heroine Point)

12/20 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Romance

12/21 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Romance

You’re just so cute (+ Heroine Point)

12/24 (Event)

I dunno

Don’t shake his hand

12/25 (Event)

Offer her a piece of chicken (+ Heroine Point)

Let her stay a little longer (+ Heroine Point)

Get you some medicine (+ Heroine Point)

12/27 (Event)

Fine… (+ Heroine Point)

Turn her down

Hold her hand (+ Heroine Point)

12/28 (Event)

How are you feeling today? (+ Heroine Point)

12/29 (Event)

Kiss her

1/3 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Small talk

1/4 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Small talk

1/5 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Small talk

1/8 – Ibukicho Station

Conversation Option: Small talk

1/9 – Mana’s House (Event)

I wished for luck in love (+ Heroine Point)

1/10 – Ibukicho Station

Conversation Option: Small talk

1/15 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Hobbies

1/16 – Mana’s House (Event)

Wanna talk? (+ Heroine Point)

1/19 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Hobbies


Should Trigger Achievement: Mana’s Ministrations

1/24 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Hobbies

1/27- Downtown

Conversation Option: Hobbies

1/29 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Romance

1/30 – Mana’s House (Event)

Wanna talk? (+ Heroine Point)

2/1 (Event)

I have time

I’ll go with you (+ Heroine Point)

2/5 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Hobbies

2/6 – Mana’s House (Event)

Wanna talk? (+ Heroine Point)

2/7 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Literature

Good then (+ Heroine Point)

2/13 – Mana’s House (Event)

Wanna talk? (+ Heroine Point)

I’m free (+ Heroine Point)

(Note: Save before the following step and choose anywhere other than Home to see an alternate event, then load)

2/14 – Home (Event)

Should Trigger Achievement: Valentine’s With Mana

2/16 (Event)

You should spend time with your cousin

I’ll go with you (+ Heroine Point)

2/17 (Event)

Chase after Mana

Hug her

WHITE ALBUM: Memories like Falling Snow - Misaki


Skip Prologue (Optional)

11/6 – College (Event)

Go with Misaki to the library (+ Heroine Point)

11/9 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Literature

11/11 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Hobbies

Let’s do it (+ Heroine Point) (Note: It sounds like this should trigger an event on 11/15 from the dialogue, but it actually triggers on 11/22)

11/13 – College

Conversation Option: Literature

11/14 – College

Conversation Option: Romance

11/17 – College (Event)

I’m free (+ Heroine Point)

Let me help (+ Heroine Point)

11/20 (Event)


11/21 – Ibukicho Station

Conversation Option: Romance


Should Trigger Achievement: A Date with Misaki


Conversation Option: Small talk


Should Trigger Achievement: See Misaki’s sick visit event

11/29 (Event)


12/1 – Home (Event)

Call her

12/2 – Home (Event)

Call her

12/3 – Home (Event)

Call her

12/4 – Home (Event)

Call her

12/5 – Home (Event)

Call her

12/6 – College (Event)

12/7 (Event)

Call Her

12/8 (Event)

See ya

Let’s walk home together after class (+ Heroine Point)

Wanna hang out for a little longer? (+ Heroine Point)

Ask Misaki to hang out on Christmas Eve (+ Heroine Point)

12/11 – College

Conversation Option: Literature

12/12 – Ibukichi Station

Conversation Option: Literature

12/18 (Event)

Choose Anything

12/19 – College

Conversation Option: Small talk

12/20 – Park

Conversation Option: Literature

12/24 (Event)

I’m not going (+ Heroine Point)


Don’t shake his hand

12/25 (Event)

Go look for her

1/8 – College (Event)

Wait for her

1/11 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Romance

1/12 – Ibukicho Station

Conversation Option: Romance

1/13 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Entertainment

1/15 – College

Conversation Option: Literature

1/16 – Ibukicho Station

Conversation Option: Literature

1/22 – Ibukicho Station

Conversation Option: Small talk

1/23 – Mana’s House (Event)

Nope, not yet

See you next time

1/24 – Downtown

Conversation Option: Hobbies

1/26 – Nimi Station

Conversation Option: Literature

Chase her down

1/29 – College

Conversation Option: Small talk

2/2 – College (Event)

Go after Misaki (+ Heroine Point)

(Note: Save before the following step and choose Home for 2/14, view the event, then load)

2/14 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Literature

It’s fine

Go after her

2/27 (Event)


2/28 (Event)


I really like her.

WHITE ALBUM: Memories like Falling Snow - Haruka


Skip Prologue (Optional)

11/11 – Park

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/12 – College (Event)

11/13 – Park

Conversation Option: Literature

11/14 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Small talk

11/20 – College

Conversation Option: Literature

11/24 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Romance

I don’t think so (+ Heroine Point)

11/27 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Hobbies

11/28 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Small talk

11/29 – College (Event)

I might be free

Go (+ Heroine Point)



Should Trigger Achievement: Haruka’s Ministrations on the following morning

12/6 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Hobbies

Sure, I’ll go (+ Heroine Point)

12/7 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Small talk


Should Trigger Achievement: A Date with Haruka

12/11 – College (Event)

What are you doing here? (+ Heroine Point)

12/12 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Hobbies

It would (+ Heroine Point)

12/14 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Hobbies

12/18 – College

Conversation Option: Hobbies

12/19 – Sports Arena

Conversation Option: Hobbies

12/24 (Event)

Kiss her

Don’t go


Don’t shake his hand

12/25 (Event)

Go look for her

1/8 – College (Event)

Wait for her

I am thinking about it

1/12 – College (Event)

Push it (+ Heroine Point)

1/26 – Sports Arena

Sure (+ Heroine Point)

2/14 – Ibukicho Station (Event)

Sure, I’ll go (+ Heroine Point)

2/20 – Ibukicho Station (Event)

Bring her inside

I’m sure

2/21 (Event)


WHITE ALBUM: Memories like Falling Snow - Yayoi


(Note: You will need to go partway onto Yuki’s route for this route to start, so do not be concerned about seeing many Yuki events. That said, if straying from this guide, be careful not to see too many Yuki events or conversations not mentioned here)

Skip Prologue (Optional)

11/6 – TV Station (Or Nimi Station if Sayoko is unlocked)

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/8 – Park

Conversation Option: Romance

11/13 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Small talk

11/14 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/15 – TV Station (Or Ibukicho Station is Sayoko is unlocked)

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/16 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Hobbies

Let’s go

I’ll go myself

Cancel my plans with Yuki


11/20 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Entertainment

11/27 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Literature

11/29 (Event)

Not really…

11/30 (Event)

The theater club play

12/1 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Hobbies

Say yes

12/3 (Event)

Of course I’m down for it

12/8 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Entertainment

12/10 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Entertainment

I’ll accompany you(+ Heroine Point)

12/11 – Echoes

Conversation Option: Literature

12/12 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Hobbies


Should Trigger Achievement: A Date with Yayoi

12/15 – TV Station (Event)

12/19 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Small talk

12/21 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Small talk

12/24 (Event)


Do you want to come up for a few minutes? (+ Heroine Point)

Sleep with her

12/26 – TV Station

Conversation Option: Romance

1/2 – TV Station (Event)

What kind of person do you think I am? (+ Heroine Point)

1/16 – Echoes (Event)

Go with her (+ Heroine Point)

1/21 – Echoes (Event)

Go with her (+ Heroine Point)


Should Trigger Achievement: A Date with Yayoi

2/4 – Echoes (Event)

Go with her (+ Heroine Point)

2/11 – Echoes (Event)

Talk to her

2/27 (Event)

I do

Platforms: PC
Purchase Link: Steam
Review Link: Click Here

Want to check out more visual novels? Why not check out our review of KamiYaba: Destiny On A Dicey Deadline?

Many thanks go to Shiravune for a PC review code for this title.

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