Guides and Tips Visual Novel

Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~ – Walkthrough & Guide

Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~ includes a common route and four heroine endings.

This guide will tell you about the choices to access the various routes, and explain the situation regarding the patch.

If you’ve not yet purchased this game, you may wish to first check out our review.

Adult Content

If you have purchased the Steam version of Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~, you can download the free 18+ DLC via the NekoNyan website.

To install the patch, open the .zip file and the 11 .arc files in the Archive subfolder where Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~ is installed (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~\Archive). 

Alternatively, you can buy the full version of Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~ on websites that support adult content such as JAST USA. This includes all of the content without any requirement for patches.

Adult Patch and Content Guide

Routes and Choice Structure

Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~ has an unusual choice system for a visual novel. After a prologue, you are given 25 days to choose actions. 

Most days will give you two opportunities to choose a conversation partner from one of the four heroines. In each opportunity, you can choose two topics from several categories, with many of them having a further choice. Depending on your choices, the heroine’s reaction can range from positive to negative. This guide works as a walkthrough for a quick path through to the heroine routes. The choices listed are all positive results wherever possible, but there may be instances where it’s needed to take an average reaction to unlock the next set of questions.

Some days do not have any opportunities or just one and in some cases, the heroine may not be available. Certain events have choices outside of the conversation system too. Misaki’s route in particular is different in the opening, which is explained further in her route guide below.

None of the choices after entering a heroine’s route matter in terms of progression. There is one choice in each route that affects the heroine’s hairstyle or clothes going forward, but all CG variants are unlocked regardless.

Fureraba ~Friend To Lover~ – Walkthrough & Guide - Himari Route

Himari Route

Whenever possible choose Himari. If not possible, choose ‘Don’t see anyone’.

[April 22]

  • Small Talk > Around when do you get up every day? > Drinking fresh water right after waking up is supposed to help
  • Small Talk > Dang nice weather we’ve been having recently, don’t you think? > But if you think about it, we’d run out of water without rain
  • School Life > So yeah, we’re upperclassman. How’s it feel to have kids younger than us here now? > You sound pretty worked up over it. Don’t worry yourself to death over it, okay?
  • School Life > Oh yeah, did you hear we’re supposedly getting more vending machines this month? > I’d personally love to see strawberry milk

[April 24]

  • Choose: Don’t see anyone
  • Weekends and Holidays > What do you do when we don’t have school? > Better rest when you can
  • Weekends and Holidays > Is it just me, or does this town get like really crowded on weekends? > Yeah, too many people can be a problem in and of itself

[April 26]

  • School Life > The ventilation in the second-year classrooms is seriously great, don’t you think? > Yeah, we gotta plan ahead for that
  • School Life > You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you come late to school > Yeah, you’re just kinda hurting yourself by coming in late
  • School Life > I kinda wish we’d gotten into class C, don’t you? > We’re right next to the bathrooms!
  • Small Talk > So… what are your thoughts on us getting in the same class?

[May 1]

  • Hobbies > What kinda books you like reading these days? > Yeah, thought I’d see what the experience is like compared to manga
  • Private Life > Is your mom doing alright? > She mentioned having trouble getting her makeup to stay lately
  • Private Life > When do you usually go to sleep? > You’ve got my respect. It’s not easy to keep up a well-regulated schedule like that
  • Fitness > Have you ever thought about joining one of the school’s sports teams? > True, they have those tournaments and stuff they go to

[May 8]

  • Romance 2 > Do you believe in love at first sight? > Isn’t it an instincual kinda thing?
  • Romance 2 > Long-distance relationships seem difficult > Yeah, you’d have to truly love that person
  • Ask Me > Ask me something about my hobbies > You?
  • Ask Me > Ask me something about my private life > I drink warm milk, so I can fall asleep easier

[May 10]

  • Supernatural > Do you believe that aliens exist? > You know what, I think I agree
  • Supernatural > Do you believe in ghosts? > It’d be downright frightening to live with
  • Do Something > Stare at her > There’s something on your cheek
  • Do Something > Smile at her > Yeah, I get to spend time with you

[May 13]

  • Hobbies 2 > I’d like to try aromatherapy myself > Maybe something that’d make me relax
  • Hobbies 2 > I read ‘Love’s Worst Enemy’ > I really need the next update
  • Romance 2 > What’s the girls’ impression of me? > Wow, thanks! Hearing that from you really boosts my self-confidence
  • Chatting > You ever notice that we have a lot of ‘gals’ around here? > Have you ever thought about trying and talking to one of them?

[May 14]

  • Yeah, it’s been on my mind
  • How come you never told me?

[May 15]

  • Romance 3 > Kisses. Give or receive? > Same here
  • Romance 3 > Anything in guys that, er… flips your switch? > Don’t slender fingers get you going?
  • Choose: Don’t see anyone

[May 17]

  • Choose: Don’t see anyone
  • Looks > Do you use perfume? > That explains why you smell so good
  • Looks > Where do you usually buy your clothes? > Very cute. And it complements your personality too

[May 20]

  • Committee > What committee were you in last year? > Is it fun?
  • Romance 3 > First thing you do with your new boyfriend? > And then have a picnic after? That sounds nice to me too
  • Romance 3 > Confessions are best done in person? > Like the sincerity of your feelings?
  • Hobbies 3 > Ask about candles’ soothing effects > Something that helps me relax

[May 22]

  • Romance 3 > D-Do girls prepare lucky underwear? > It’d sure make a guy happy
  • Romance 3 > What are your thoughts on cheating? > I would definitely be faithful to the girl I love
  • Chatting 2 > Convenience store desserts rock > Some of the sweet ones are tolerable for us guys
  • Chatting 2 > If you could go on a trip to any country, which would it be? > It’d be really cool to reenact movie scenes

[May 24]

  • Chatting 2 > I see you being a healer or support class > Leave the attacking to me!
  • Committee > I’m gonna join the Disciplinary Committee > Hm, guess I won’t join
  • Committee > Are there any manga? > It’d get more students to use it though
  • Do Something 2 > Smile at her > Really fills you with happiness

[May 25]

  • Sure. I was thinking the same
  • Of course, Minahara-san
  • Take her hand

[May 27]

  • Confess

Fureraba ~Friend To Lover~ – Walkthrough & Guide - Rina Route

Rina Route

Whenever possible choose Rina. If not possible, choose ‘Don’t see anyone’.

[April 22]

  • Small Talk > I’ve decided I’m gonna become a good student > I’ll correct the school’s moral values
  • Small Talk > Thoughts on all the cute new first years? > I must talk to them nevertheless!
  • Choose: Don’t see anyone

[April 24]

  • School Life > How’s your outside of school club thing? > Maybe I’ll start a Meteor Strike Club
  • School Life > I get so sleepy during afternoon classes > I think it’s classes being so boring that’s the problem
  • Weekends and Holidays > Isn’t it tough working a part time job on the weekends? > People who work jobs day in and day out really are amazing
  • Weekends and Holidays > Don’t you just hate doing nothing on weekends? > I’m gonna change myself into the guy with plans every Sunday

[April 26]

  • Hobbies > Do you ever think about getting really good at one type of game? > There definitely are collectors
  • Hobbies > Any things you’ve been really into lately? > Since you like it maybe I will
  • Private Life > How many times do you clean your room per week? > You’re a clean freak! You’re a legit clean freak!
  • Fitness > Do you play any sports other than tennis? > Does lacrosse get that messy?

[May 1]

  • Future > Anything you wanna achieve before you graduate? > That’s the kinda answer I’d expect from you
  • Future > What’s your plan for the scholarship test? > If only there was a test on having fun…
  • Romance > Tell me what girls think of love > Is that the suspension bridge effect?
  • Hobbies > Know of any easy-to-pick-up hobbies? > I’m gonna take candid shots of you starting tomorrow

[May 8]

  • Romance 2 > What advice do you give a man after he gets rejected? > If I were in that situation I’d level up and try again
  • Hobbies 2 > Does bathing powder really work? You know what bathing powders are effective?
  • Hobbies 2 > Do you have any surprising hobbies? > Oh Mochizuki… That’s so cute
  • Work > Can being a hard worker get you a raise? Someone as great as the noble Rina must only get the highest of wages

[May 10]

  • Ask Me > Ask me something about my hobbies > Probably fun songs
  • Ask Me > Ask Me about my private life > Definitely bread
  • Chatting > Too many commercials can legit ruin any show, don’t you feel like? > Alright, gimme one million yen and I’ll get to work
  • Chatting > I really don’t like panties you’re meant to be able to see > Spats are appealing in their own way

[May 11]

  • Me too
  • Something swimming related

[May 13]

  • Romance 3 > I’ve been having a lot of fun talking to this certain someone lately > I was thinking it so I figured I’d say it
  • Looks > Appearance is just a matter of luck when you think about it > You’re really convincing, Mochizuki
  • Romance 3 > What do you think of controlling girlfriends? > I wish people had more confidence to just say no to stuff like that
  • Romance 3 > I feel like you worry about what you wear when you start crushing on someone > I’m gonna start wearing suits to school from now on

[May 15]

  • Trends > What do you do to keep up on fashion? > At that point why not just create your own fashion trend?
  • Romance 3 > Gimme an example of the type of guy girls would see as a ‘slob’? > I bath regularly I swear!
  • Hobbies 3 > Can you make homemade soap? > Lemme be your model next time you’re making some soap
  • Hobbies 3 > Have you ever had pickled celery? > Same here

[May 16]

  • Does that sorta thing happen often?
  • You aren’t
  • Take her hand

[May 17]

  • Confess

Fureraba ~Friend To Lover~ – Walkthrough & Guide - Yuzuyu Route

Yuzuyu Route

Whenever possible choose Yuzuyu. If not possible, choose ‘Don’t see anyone’.

[April 22]

  • Small Talk > Do you prefer red or white miso in your soup? > How could you?! Miso must be red!
  • Small Talk > Do you like fizzy drinks? > You can make it a lot better by putting in snow cone syrup
  • School Life > Isn’t it a crime that the cafeteria doesn’t have salted ramen?! > Tsukemen is the cuisine of heaven
  • School Life > Ever done karaoke in the broadcast room? > There’s also a TV there

[April 24]

  • Hobbies > You look like you’d enjoy scuba diving Hiiragi > Don’t you wanna try scuba diving though?
  • Fitness > How’d you do on last year’s sports test? > Top of the class at the jumping test. Pretty cool, huh?
  • Private Life > Do you have any stuffed toys, Hiiragi? > Take out Ribbity McRibbiter
  • Future > What would you do if you could time travel to the future? > Man, you’re pretty childish, Hiiragi

[April 26]

  • Pets > Did you know you can legally own a giraffe in Japan? > You think giraffes eat rice and bread?
  • Ask Me > Ask me about my hobbies > I’m a Hiiragi teaser
  • Romance 2 > Do you think star-crossed lovers are still a thing? > What would you do if I was a king?
  • Chatting > How’s Pom-Pon doing? > Make me your pet, Hiiragi!

[May 1]

  • Pets > Do you like insects? > Do you like praying mantises?
  • Romance 2 > What do you think of me? > Aww, you know me so well, Hiiragi
  • Hobbies 2 > Have you played any fighting games since that one time? > We gotta have an online match together!
  • Pets > Don’t you think it’d be kinda difficult to keep a tropical fish? > Reminds me of you

[May 8]

  • Hobbies 2 > Did you hear they put out new flavors of lollipops? > Soybean
  • Romance 2 > Don’t marriage interviews just sound like hell? > Maybe if we made ’em like pro-wrestling matches
  • Hobbies 2 > I made a card for the quiz game in the arcade, so I’m ready for action > You might have a point there, Hiiragi
  • Ask Me > Ask me about my private life > At midnight

[May 10]

  • Choose: Don’t see anyone
  • Hobbies 2 > What would you say is a manly hobby? > browsing porn sites
  • Hobbies 2 > I wanna go on a journey one day, by myself… > Paris

[May 11]

  • Just surprised that you’re speaking your feelings so honestly
  • Ask if she has a crush on anyone

[May 13]

  • Choose: Don’t see anyone
  • Romance 3 > What kinda things should I do if I get a girlfriend? > I’d love to sleep together
  • Romance 3 > Kisses. Give or receive? > I’m a kisser

[May 15]

  • Looks > Isn’t it interesting how a person’s hair can change your impression of them? > Hm, maybe I should shave my head
  • Swimming > Is the breaststroke good for conserving stamina like they say? > The breaststroke kinda reminds me of a frog
  • Romance 3 > Around what age do you plan on getting married, Hiiragi? > You know how people say marriage is the biggest mistake you can make?
  • Chatting 2 > Are racing swimsuits as expensive as they seem? > That must suck for girls

[May 17]

  • Romance 3 > What do you think of marriage parties? I hope I never have to rely on a marriage party
  • Chatting 2 > Do you use earphones when listening to music? > Don’t you hate the ones that go into your ears?
  • Chatting 2 > You think a no-smoking arcade would be a good idea? > If only cigarette smoke smelled like flowers
  • Romance 3 > What do you think of those super lovey-dovey couples? > Oh, how stubborn you are, Hiiragi…

[May 18]

  • What do you mean?
  • Never
  • Hold her hand

[May 20]

  • Confess

Fureraba ~Friend To Lover~ – Walkthrough & Guide - Misaki Route

Misaki Route

Misaki’s Route is a little different. At first, she’s listed as ??? and you can’t speak to her. You need to keep trying whenever possible and eventually, you will get your chance.

Similarly to the other routes, whenever possible choose Misaki. If not possible, choose ‘Don’t see anyone’.

[April 22]

  • Speak to Misaki (but no conversation starts)
  • Choose ‘Don’t see anyone’

[April 24]

  • Approach her
  • Choose ‘Don’t see anyone’

[April 26]

  • Speak to Misaki (but no conversation starts)
  • Choose ‘Don’t see anyone’

[May 1]

  • Be tenacious and go up to her
  • Choose ‘Don’t see anyone’

[May 8]

  • Hobbies > Do you know some unusual tea? > Are you sure this tea exists? 
  • Hobbies > Tell me what you consider a cool hobby > There’s just something cool about being able to make your own piece of pottery
  • Private Life > Do you have a blog or anything similar? > I just can’t keep one up for more than three days
  • Private Life > What’s something you’ve been into lately? > Have you ever noticed it kinda looks like a turd?

[May 10]

  • Romance 2 > Love can make people do bold things > I’m doing it right now as we speak
  • Hobbies 2 > Do you have any book recommendations? > Some books even have 3-D
  • Hobbies 2 > Do you have any TV show recommendations? > Classes at school would be fun if they were in quiz format
  • Cooking > Have you heard of ceramic knifes? > There’s so many cute designs out there for knifes

[May 13]

  • Cooking > Do you know any easy-to-prepare breakfast dishes? > Do you like veggies?
  • Cooking > Do you prefer your eggs soft scrambled or sunny-side-up? > Now I’m an omelet roll master too!
  • Cooking > Notice how they’ve been marketing soy sauce based on freshness lately? > They oughta develop bottles that keep the gas inside
  • Ask me > Ask me something about my hobbies > Yep. Most of them are indoors stuff

[May 15]

  • Cooking > Those free recipe pamphlets they have at the supermarket are great > It’s also nice being taught by someone in person
  • Do something > Smile at her > I’ll make you feel better with a little demonstration
  • Hobbies 2 > Do you ever just get this irresistible urge to hop on a swing? Let’s get on a swing together some time!
  • Chatting > Bread from the bakery is delicious, isn’t it? > Croissants are also pretty great, aren’t they?

[May 17]

  • Chatting > What kind of sweets do you like? > Gummies are so addictive
  • Chatting > You get so sleepy after lunch > Japan should implement that too!
  • Ask me > Ask me something about my personal life > If I have homework, I’ll do that instead of reading manga
  • Ask me > Ask me about my special talent > I can make friends with strangers in a flash

[May 18]

  • Say something
  • Ask if she enjoyed herself today

[May 20]

  • Romance 3 > Isn’t the red thread of fate just so romantic? > I say no thanks to a thread of fate
  • Romance 3 > My dream is to go on a trip with my girlfriend > Good food is definitely the biggest factor
  • Chatting 2 > Ever just end up randomly watching home shopping programs? > The long reach pruning shears really leave an impression
  • Looks > You look great in our school’s uniform > I honestly wanted to wear the girls’ uniform

[May 22]

  • Looks > I find buying fashion magazines embarrassing > I dunno, it’s like I’m overstepping my bounds
  • Hobbies 3 > Do you watch that ranger series show? > I always wanted to be the Red Ranger
  • TV > TV resolutions really went up with digital television > Well there’s no going back to analogue
  • Romance 3 > I’ve been having tons of fun hanging out with you lately > Guess I’ll disappear

[May 24]

  • TV > Feels like there’s been an increase in commercials lately > It takes talent to create one
  • Hobbies 3 > I picture you as being able to play the piano > I’m a virtuoso on the triangle!!
  • Do something 2 > Smile at her > It’s so soothing being with you
  • Do something 2 > Stare at her > Look at me, Senpai

[May 27]

  • Looks > Is it good to go pricey on clothes? > Yeah, I’ve been trying to recently
  • Looks > Personality is pretty important when it comes to appearance > I’ll start by trying to act more confident
  • Hobbies 3 > Collecting cards and stickers is so addictive > Did you know it’s now common to RUB card packs at stores?
  • Hobbies 3 > Libraries are surprisingly fun places to go to > I know what you mean

[May 28]

  • That was pretty bold what you did earlier
  • I’d rather go home with you, Senpai
  • Hold her hand

[May 29]

  • Confess
Platforms: PC
Purchase: Denpasoft / JAST Store
Review: Click Here

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Thank you to NekoNyan for providing a PC review code for Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~.

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