The Persistence - Featured Image
Horror Review Survival Virtual Reality

The Persistence – Review | Attack of the Space Zombies

Horror games just aren’t that scary. At least that’s my experience. I know a lot of people love to play these to give themselves nightmares, but not me. So why is this horror-skeptic playing The Persistence? It all started at a game expo called EGX. I donned a VR headset and fell in love with […]

The Walking Dead Onslaught
Action Review Shooter Survival Virtual Reality

The Walking Dead Onslaught – VR Review

As someone who has been playing virtual reality games since the first consumer Oculus headset came out, I have seen and played many zombie games on VR. Some were mediocre and some were quite fun. For The Walking Dead Onslaught though, this game’s main attraction is the familiarity of the characters brought to life in virtual reality, […]

In Death: Unchained - Featured
Review Roguelite Virtual Reality

In Death: Unchained – VR Review | Death and Archery

A couple of years ago, I was invited to a closed beta. It was for a punishing roguelite archery game called In Death. Roguelites aren’t usually my forte, but I took up the bow and arrow in virtual reality and was sliced, shot, and stabbed as I inched my way further and further, learning from […]

Space Channel 5 VR Kinda Funky News Flash
Music Review Rhythm Virtual Reality

Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky Newsflash – Review

Join our intrepid space reporter Ulala in Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky Newsflash, the long-awaited sequel to the music game series originally released back at the turn of the century for the Dreamcast. You play as the new reporter at Space Channel 5, one of many news channels who all compete against each other […]

Action Indie Review Virtual Reality

The Wizards: Enhanced Edition – VR Review

Before I begin, there are two things to say. First off, this game has two modes of movement: Mixed (smooth locomotion and teleportation), and teleportation only, so if you feel disorientation when movement is simulated in VR, you’ve got nothing to worry about with this game, and you can play this game just fine. Secondly, […]