Adult Game Review Visual Novel

Why Is There A Girl In My House!? – Review

When a copy of Why Is There A Girl In My House?! made its way into my Steam Curator box I was a bit surprised. Mostly because I never really advertise the fact that I have a Steam Curator, but also because I’d only heard of the game in passing before. But it has a catgirl on the featured image and sometimes that’s all that’s needed to decide to check it out. It wouldn’t be the first yuri visual novel I checked out blind.

Why Is There A Girl In My House?! is an Original English Language visual novel (OELVN) by developer Betulasoft. They describe themselves as a ‘newly founded VN team making lewd games’, which certainly fits with this title. The ‘lewd’ aspect seems central to it.

Why Is There A Girl In my House - Lewd


We play as Elena, a self-described ‘wage-slave’ who sells televisions as her day job. She starts off the game by expressing the true spirit of customer service in retail – and by that, I mean complaining about customers. She’s shown to be a bit abrasive and not the easiest person to deal with.

As Elena arrives home, she finds a mysterious figure in her bed. On turning on the lights, she discovers this to be Alice – a catgirl. A Scottish fold catgirl to be more precise.

It turns out that Elena’s aunt came in while the apartment was empty and left Alice there for her. This was to give Elena some company and to make her act more like a responsible adult. No more lazing about in underwear and drinking on days off!

If I was to describe the story as a whole, ‘minimal’ would be the word to come to mind. This isn’t really great for a visual novel, where the story is one of the most important aspects. In Why Is There A Girl In My House?! It feels like it’s more of a premise than a story though. We get the setup, a little bit about the struggles of suddenly owning a catgirl and that’s it.

How Alice acts as a catgirl feels odd at times too. She has been around humans before but doesn’t understand a lot of basic human activity. She acts as if she has never seen a fork before. She doesn’t understand that there aren’t little people in the television. Despite this, she seems to pick things up very quickly. It feels like her ignorance is overdone at times.

As mentioned, the game has ‘lewd’ content. More specifically, it has two sex scenes. Looking at it from a story perspective, I didn’t really feel like they were led up to or fit in. I should mention that this game is very short though, so that would likely be part of the reason why.
Why Is There A Girl In My House?! - Catgirl Eating Fish

Graphics & Sound

To me, the artwork as a whole feels like it’s acceptable. It’s not the highest quality in the world, but it doesn’t stand out as particularly bad. I am keeping budget in mind here too, as this is a $2.99 title. I don’t expect much.

The amount of included CGs can be counted on one hand. Two of these are sex scenes. There are no mosaics and everything is fully uncensored, even on the Steam version. Somehow it avoided Steam’s taste police and that is probably one of the few saving graces of this game.

The background sound again felt fairly standard and did not particularly stand out. There was no voicing, which is expected for a game in this price range.
Why Is There A Girl In My House?! - Surprised Lesbian Catgirl


The whole game took me twenty minutes to complete a single playthrough. I do read quicker than average, but even then it’s claims of ‘1-2 hours of gameplay’ on the Steam store page feel false.

The story felt like it was just a thin premise to set up some yuri sex scenes between a human woman and catgirl. Even these scenes were very short and the art is nothing special. Despite the low price, I have to say this;


Platforms: PC

Want to see more Visual Novels? If you are looking for a low-priced yuri visual novel, perhaps Lingua Fleur: Lily would be worth checking out. Or if you are looking for something lewder, there are several more adult games we recommend.

Many thanks go to Betulasoft for a PC review code for this title.

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