Neon Tail is an anime-styled roller-blading game, where you aspire to rise in the ranks and become a top skate idol. This is an indie game created by Rocket Juice Games, a small team of three people. Some inspiration was taken from Jet Set Radio. Steam (PC) is the only available platform to buy this […]
Tag: Indie
Exogenesis ~Perils of Rebirth~ – A Brief Glance
Exogenesis ~Perils of Rebirth~ is a hybrid of a traditional point-and-click adventure game and a visual novel set in a post-apocalyptic world. Unlike the articles normally posted, this is not a full review after going through the game multiple times as per usual. This is just taking a brief glance at the game. This was […]
Clea – Review
Clea is a survival horror game, where stealth is the only way to remain among the living. It is anime-themed, which is not a surprise as it is by InvertMouse who until now has been making visual novels, such as The Last Birdling. Steam (PC) is the only available platform to buy this game at […]
Total Party Kill – Review | Sacrifice Your Allies
Gamers of the 90s may feel nostalgia when opening Total Party Kill, despite it being a brand new game, released only a few days ago at the time of writing. This is a retro-inspired puzzle-platformer, with the emphasis on the puzzle aspect. This is a PC and mobile platform release. I personally played through the […]
Muse Dash – Review
Muse Dash is an anime-themed rhythm game. It combines the ideas of traditional music games with aspects such as enemies, health bars and earning abilities. The game can be purchased on Steam (PC), Nintendo Switch and for mobile devices. The Nintendo Switch version could be considered a complete edition with significantly more songs, but the […]
The Last Birdling – Review
The Last Birdling is a Western Visual Novel/OELVN and the seventh created by InvertMouse. This title is only available on PC. Rather than the typical romance which visual novels often focus on, this is a story of an unlikely and forbidden friendship. In this world, a species of winged humanoids called Birdlings used to fill […]
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove – Review
Gamers of the 90s may remember Toejam and Earl. This funky alien duo starred in one of the earliest rogue-like games available on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. One of the original creators has brought it back with a re-imagining of their first game on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. I have personally […]
Shadow Uprising – Review
Shadow Uprising is a stealth game, only playable with a virtual reality headset. It’s officially compatible with the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift but may also work on other PC VR headsets such as Windows Mixed Reality and the Pimax. The game is fairly light on story, being more about gameplay. It does, however, have […]
Wandersong – Review
Wandersong is a rather unusual game, unlike any that I have played before. While it has elements from various genres, at heart it is all about the music and that is why it calls itself a musical adventure. It has been released on PC, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. At first, you appear just to […]
Die for Valhalla – Review
Die for Valhalla has some RPG aspects, but at the heart, it’s a is a side-scrolling beat ‘em up. I personally played on the Nintendo Switch, but it can be found on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One in addition. As well as the regular mode, there is a second mode which adds in some […]